Words Every Child Needs to Hear

Pleasant words are like a honeycomb,

   sweetness to the soul and health to the body.                   

                                                                                                                Proverbs 16:24  NRSV  


This time of year, with Mother’s Day just past, Father’s Day around the corner, Grandparents and Special Friends Days at school, and Graduation celebrations of all kinds, we are reminded of the significant impact we all have on the children and teenagers in our lives.  Our words and our actions shape their world.  Our prayers and our blessings remind them who they are: beloved children of God.  


I came across this list and was struck by how powerful each of these short phrases are. This month look for opportunities to share these words with the children in your lives.  And keep our Summer Day Camp outreach in your prayers.  Thank you for all the donations and offers to help!


         Words Every Child Needs to Hear


               I love you            

               God loves you

               I forgive you

               I’m sorry

               I’m proud of you

               You are a great helper

               Thank you for ______

               Let’s talk about it

               You are very special to me

               Honoring your dad/mom is one way we show our love for God

               You have a real gift for ______ and God will use that gift to help others

               Let’s do something special for__________

               I love God and I love when we worship together

               I will always love you, even when you do bad things.


May God bless you in all the ways you share these important words.

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