From Pastor Marty's Annual Report

Every good annual meeting includes some good stories and here’s the one I have to share:

God had something in mind, when he called a pastor from California, to Zion Lutheran in Wooster, Ohio. God brought us together and God is blessing our relationship. These last five months have been testimony to God’s goodness. I have seen God’s goodness is so many ways:

Let me start with the biggest one – your kindness.
From the moment I arrived you have showered me and Marin with your kindness.
You welcomed us with open arms. You have loved and supported us.
And you have made us a part of this church family. Thank you!

Getting to know you has been the best part of this call.
In my written report I shared with you from Ephesians, chapters four and five, where Paul calls the Ephesians to “Walk in Love, Light, and Wisdom”. As I’ve walked with you these past five months, I have seen you walking in God’s Love, Light, and Wisdom.

In my written report I listed many examples, but I’d like to lift up just a few right now.
First of all, thank you to our Call Committee, Church Council, Staff Support Team, and Dandelion Team, for your love for God, and your clear sense of mission. Your commitment to walk in love, light, and wisdom of Christ is inspiring.

Second, I am truly blessed to be serving with such a dedicated and faithful church staff.
They are humble and caring servants.
They work tirelessly to shine the Light of Christ.
And they are wonderful people to serve with!
Let’s give them a hand of appreciation!

As you know our Staff Support Team, before I arrived, was looking at how best to organize our staff to serve this church. So, we began looking at ways to best steward our resources and the gifts of our staff members. When we learned that Daphne was willing to share her administrative gifts along with her musical gifts we decided that was the best way to move forward. This new staff structure will serve Zion well and I ask you to support this new direction.

Finally, I’d like to share a word about our Dandelion Project.
Mary McMillen will be sharing a report this morning but I’d like to say just two things:

First, the Zion members who stepped forward to serve for two years on this project are top notch! I couldn’t have asked for a better team. Second, if someone asked you “What is the Dandelion Project, remember these eight words: “God is growing disciples - to Renew the Church”  Thank you for calling me to be your pastor!

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